Post-Operative Instructions for Dental Extractions

Instructions for Dental Extractions

1.  Bite on a gauze pad for 30-45 mins. Remove the gauze after 45 mins.

2.  Slight oozing or bleeding may persist for 24 hours. Do not spit the blood.

3.  Do not rinse, spit, sneeze, smoke or use straw for 24 hours after surgery.

4.  Keep your fingers and tongue away from the socket or surgical area.

5.  Take soft cold food.

6.  Avoid hot spicy sticky and hard food.

7.  After the first post-operative day, do warm salt water rinses following meals for the first week to flush out particles of food and debris that may lodge in the surgical area. (Mix ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Mouthwash can be added for better taste.)

8.  Use ice packs on the surgical area (side of face) for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling after dental extraction.

9.  Use the medication prescribed to you.

10.  Drink plenty of fluids. (Do not use a straw—this creates suction in the mouth that could cause complications.)

11.  Do not smoke for at least 5 days after surgery. Why to smoke again? Smoking is injurious to Health.

"Enjoy the Beauty of Healthy Smile."- "Every Dentist"