Post-Operative Instructions for Root Canal Treatment

Instructions for Root Canal Treatment

1.  You will be numb for 1-3 hours, depending upon the type of anesthetic given.

2.  Try not to bite your lip or tongue during the time you are numb.

3.  It is normal to have post-operative pain for 3-4 days, sometimes it may take a week to subside depending upon underlying infection.

4.  If your tooth has a temporary filling in it, stay away from sticky foods on that side of your mouth.

5.  If the filling comes out, please call the office to schedule a time to replace it. Food can get trapped in the opening.

6.  If you notice any swelling on your gum above the tooth, or have any bade taste, or drainage, contact the office immediately.

7.  In case of temporary filling , please keep the cotton in for 5-10 minutes.

8.  For one week refrain eating from the treated side, use the other side.

9.  It is mandatory to get crown done following root canal treated tooth otherwise treated tooth may subject to fracture or failure in the long run.

10.  Please take your medication on time and comply with the instructions.

"A Dentist Gets to the Root of the Problem."- "Miguel de Cervantes"